It is this search for acceptance or rather the “As they are in this transitional stage between childhood and adulthood, their individuality and personality is coming into sharper focus as well. There is a huge gap of understanding created by technology between late 20th teens and 21st century teenagers. In previous decades, teenagers passed time by reading fiction novels, visiting each other or listening to their Walkman. It is the first century of the 3rd millennium. Most of us know that it takes more than forsaking clerical collars to be effective in ministry today. This is perhaps why they are most vulnerable to pedophiles, stalkers and cyber bullying which in extreme cases has led teenagers to take their own lives. The reality is that whether your child is aware or not, he or she will amass a digital footprint which will follow your child all through life. In his excellent article “The Leadership We Need—Negotiating Up, Not Down,” Rendle says this about leadership for the future: “We would need to move outside of cultural norms to value the strange gifts our new leaders would bring. The youths are the major victims of the negative impacts of the changes. Parents, teachers and adults alike do not understand the new age teenagers, or the world they live in as it revolves in an alarming rate.It appears that teenagers today value leisure time over work and place a premium on rewards such as higher salaries and status. I protect my child from careless nannys and abuse, you can do so too. Video calls, texting, music, games and apps make you less and less important to your kids. The name-calling, the cliques, the drama and the taunts. Their thought process and interpretation of things are a bit skewed. Progress toward 21st Century Learning There are many signs of progress: new schools have been formed, schools are being transformed, districts and communities are embracing 21st century … You’re suddenly that enemy outsider, scrambling for whatever crumbs you can find to pick up from the uncanniest places which would give you an insight to this stranger that is your child.

We’ve gone past the information age into communication, and these social media tools help drive communication with teenagers as passengers.

It includes knowing the latest songs, watching newly released movies, using popular slangs or hashtags effortlessly in conversations. They are always connected and fear missing out (a.k.a. What you succeed in doing with that is putting them down and widening the gap between you and them further.They know and are exposed to more things than you realize, the x-rated ones as well.

[Tweet "Caption the Photo of the Day"]   How would you caption this photo the day?How can you protect your child with mindguard the 21st Century Parent? You didn’t have smart phones, or Snapchat, face time, Facebook or Instagram. Gil Rendle, senior consultant at the Alban Institute, also believes that congregations can best be served by those whom he calls “deep” generalists.

It requires that both pastor and congregation truly struggle to discern what’s working and what’s not, what needs to be added, and what has to be retired to make room for God’s new vision of ministry.Martin Copenhaver, senior pastor of the Wellesley Congregational Church in Wellesley, Massachusetts, calls pastors “the last generalists” in a world of increasing specialization. While remaining cordial, the back-and-forth produces an honest, straightforward conversation between proven leaders and thinkers regarding this vital ministry. Some of these changes spell out destiny truncating and destroying challenges to the Christian youths. Pastors who want to specialize may simply be out of date by the time they finish their training.Through research, personal observation, and interviews with clergy who are widely acknowledged to be effective in leading the modern-era church into a postmodern ministry, I have developed a list of 12 characteristics of an effective 21st-century pastor:Our weekly e-newsletter offers practical wisdom on how to lead congregations todayAlban at Duke helps leaders connect and learn from one another by sharing practical wisdom, stories of thriving congregations and transformational models of ministry. They know sites you’ve never heard of, apps you never dreamed of, and hacks you never imagined. Don’t be the parent whose child explained on Facebook that the abbreviation ‘WTF’ meant ‘Welcome to Facebook’ when it actually means “What the f**k”.Your parental responsibility is to ensure that your child has digital intelligence.

Join us as we take a look at some of the characteristics of the 21st century teenager and their adoption to technological advances or the state of interaction among young adults. Teenagers are the first to sample any new media. Those leaders would need to be exceptionally mature and able to stand outside of cultural norms, knowing that their gifts are valuable.” I agree with both authors that the vast majority of 21st-century pastors will need to be generalists. We all remember the way things were when we were in secondary school. FOMO).

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