I have spines and hinges, but I am not a door. I give people a huge fright, but at the end I’m sweet. Take out the first letter and I become Hair. To others I am a mystery. They push, and I follow. Test your math skills and word play with answers included. | | ANSWER. If a man carries my burden, they will get crushed to death.You can hold me in your hand and yet I can fill the entire room.If you lose me you cause people around me to lose me too. Forward and backward is what I do all day. Test your wit and creativity with these What am I riddles.
These what am I riddles and answers are especially good at engaging the mind in analysis, evaluation and problem solving. What am I?51. Carry me with you and I will keep your hair dry. I have no eyes, no legs, and no ears, but I’m strong enough to move the earth. I am a ball that can be rolled but never bounced or thrown. What am I?190. I have three eyes, but only one leg. What type of cheese is made backwards? What am I? I am known for my tuxedo that I wear while marching. What am I?Sometimes I am bright, sometimes I am dark, some think I am a man but others think I am a rabbit, and I’ve had a Buzz step on my face. The more you work, the more I’ll eat. I’m round on both sides but high in the middle. If you’re good, I will visit you once a year. What am I?206. I can wave my hands at you, but I never say good-bye. I can be grown, and I can be bought. Usually, I’m heard only at night. What am I?138. I usually celebrate at night. What am I?30. What am I?I have a comb but it’s never used for my hair, I have a cape yet I am not a superhero, and because I am so territorial you often see me chasing others away.
What am I?140. You can catch me, but you can’t throw me. What am I?112. What am I?154. What am I?29. I am a shiny metal sheet used to cover food. I’m hot and I live in the sky. What am I?127. You probably do. I have no feathers, but I can fly.
The one who buys me doesn’t need me. What am I?169.
I am the kind of food that monkeys like to eat and if you throw my clothes on the ground, people could slip and fall. What am I?53. What am I?188.
3. I have eyes, but I cannot see. A snail. What am I?26. I am many people’s favorite place, even though many don’t remember their stay. Lazily I hang upside down by my odd number of toes. I keep it all together. Riddles Hard Easy Funny Math What Am I Logic Kids About Contact. All rights reserved. What am I?7. With rain, I can live for a long time. What am I?156. If you get cold, you can use my sleeves. What am I?I get dirty, I get clean, I can be delicate, I can be rough. Without me, you would lose your head. In addition to what am I riddles I wait to become a condiment. I live in buildings and I am used for light. The one who makes me doesn’t want me. I can be cracked, and I can be played. I’m often worn on the face of spies. I have poles, but I don’t stand up. I smell nice; you can pick me if you want. What am I?219. You can throw me away, but I will always come back. If you share me, you don’t have me. I am constantly overlooked by everyone, yet everyone has me. What am I?89. What am I?Sometimes I go backwards but often I go forward, I can trip, I can dance. What am I?118. You can start with the simpler ones for the young children and shoot the tougher riddles at the older kids. What am I?194. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. Answer: The Sun. 1. I’m soft and hairy from door to door. To some, I might fright, but for most, they go night night. I’m not a bird, but I soar high in the sky. What am I?199. What am I?54.