Sarcastically, he suggests that players for the Washington Redskins, Notre Dame, or West Point may become ceremonially unclean by touching a football made of “the skin of a dead pig.” Ironically, the president has just dressed down “Dr. So regarding homosexuality, Is it a sin, yes (but who does not sin? None of this should even matter: What’s funniest of all is that this guy acts like we are still tied to the Old Covenant. As far as my Bible reads, it does not say man-man or woman-woman.Doesn’t the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans Chapter 1 say that God gave wicked men and women over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another? Mr. President, in regards to man-woman relationships, doesn’t Jesus say in Mat 19:4-5, quoting God Himself in Gen 1:27 & Gen 2:24, that a sexual relationship should be between a man and a woman? Just act like we don’t have this ENTIRE other side to the matter called the New Testament.But the point the president is trying to make is that the Bible should not dictate our beliefs on homosexuality. If you DO reference the old testament, then the original points from this scene stand surely? 25:40). No, sir,” she responded.“Good,” said the president, raising his voice sarcastically. Spurious slogans and sound bites do not change the scientific reality that homosexual relationships are devastating not only from a psychological but also from a physiological perspective: “Irritation of the sensitive rectal mucus layer causes a host of reactions, including diarrhea, cramps, hemorrhoids, prostate damage, and ulcers or fissures which in turn invite infection. President, in regards to man-woman relationships, doesn’t Jesus say in Mat 19:4-5, quoting God Himself in Gen 1:27 & Gen 2:24, that a sexual relationship should be between a man and a woman? In fact, the mechanisms required to carry out the death penalty under Mosaic Law are no longer extant. Let us also start off by debunking the easiest one of all, that being, modern footballs are made out of either cow leather or rubberized synthetic materials, so the touching of the skin of a pig on Sunday is not a valid argument in this case.the Holy Bible has rules to keep us safe and so we know we are loved by the boundries layed out , as a child lovingly dissaplend, feels loved and secure.Thank you to all for your well thought out, considered responses. The Old Testament was written for a time and a people and in context remains very valuable and full of principles of how we are to conduct our lives today (this is a very simplified summation of the OT and within it lies God’s grace, mercy, justice and righteousness-one word). So that is stupid. If you’re trying to view the YouTube clip on an Apple computer you may be running into a known bug which stops you from hearing the sound.

This is wrong and it opens the door to arguments like this one. As the president entered the hall, they all stood and applauded. My question to you is this:… why do they not observe The True Sabbath (Saturday)?I love the show, but it’s tough to take seriously every view of a character who, though he claims so arrogantly to be a Notre Dame educated theologian of sorts and a Nobel Prize winner who, in a single episode in the middle of season one couldn’t either recall, chapter and verse, The Book of Revelation as to the role of The White Horse, which was finally recurred to him from memory, chapter and verse, by Lord Marbury, and only after Bartlet thrice called it The Book of “Revelations” and no character corrected him, though they regularly did so with him on all topics throughout the series!The point of this piece, is I believe, perfectly clear. You can clearly see how Dr Jenna, she keeps quiet without saying a simple thing afterwards.I’ve been to a quite few debates myself, and at the end of the day…Think about it this way…, If “Reason” favors “Faith”, then anyone that has the capacity to Reason, everyone of us…, We all be Christians.I’m sorry to say this Mr President, but We Christians “see” the bible not with our eyes, but with our “HOLLY SPIRIT”.And unless you see it from your Holly Spirit, then it’s just any other book…, It would be probably more interesting to pick up a Harry Potter’s book.Let your Holly Spirit see the bible and not your reasoning.You will see that, is not about “OUR reasoning” that matters, butThe thing about children is that they don’t reason, WE adults tell them to do something, and they do it obediently. Should we kill those who work on the Sabbath as prescribed by Scripture? Should we stone men for planting different crops side by side or burn women for wearing clothing made of two different threads?The impact of this encounter between Dr. Jenna Jacobs and President Josiah Bartlet can hardly be overstated. That social and religious laws and customs followed by a primitive, tribal people who lived several thousand years ago, have no place in our modern world. Sexual liberation has brought homosexuals out of the closet into a shadow of physical affliction where a score of diseases lurk. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Paul, writing to the Corinthians, uses this common sense principle to underscore the fact that as a donkey and an ox do not work together synergistically in the process of plowing, so too a believer and an unbeliever do not harmonize well in the process of living. The mixing of different things was associated with the syncretistic pagan practices that Israel was to avoid.

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