Koray is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), and he is a member of the Center for Cryptology and Information Security at FAU. They propose a protocol called OPAQUE, which requires 3 rounds, 3-4 exponentiations per party, and an interactive One-More Diffie-Hellman assumption in the Random Oracle Model (ROM) for security.We propose an alternative UC strong asymmetric PAKE construction based on a novel use of the encryption+SPHF paradigm for UC PAKE design. SIKE is the only key exchange mechanism based on isogenies on elliptic curves submitted to NIST standardization process which offers the smallest key-size in comparison to the other candidates. We then introduce PASTA, a general framework wherein clients can sign on using a two-round (optimal) protocol that meets our strong security guarantees.Our experiments show that the overhead of protecting secrets and credentials against breaches in PASTA, i.e. He is an author/coauthor of more than 80 journals and conference papers in the area of applied cryptography and cryptographic engineering. These include Gentry-Peikert-Vaikuntanathan digital signature and identity-based encryption, ciphertext-policy and key-policy attribute-based encryption, and obfuscation of conjunction and general branching programs. He received his PhD.
We show, however, that this cost is inherent by proving a symmetric-key only solution impossible.Based on joint work with Shashank Agrawal, Payman Mohassel, and Pratyay Mukherjee: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/885.pdf.Peihan Miao just received her PhD in Cryptography from UC Berkeley (advised by Prof. Sanjam Garg) and will join VISA Research as a research scientist in July.
Her research interests lie in the foundations of cryptography with a particular focus on exploring new directions in secure computation.Rachel Player, Royal Holloway, University of LondonTuesday, July 14, 2020 | 9:00 AM PDT | remote talkIn November 2018, the HomomorphicEncryption.org consortium published the Homomorphic Encryption Security Standard. Our saPAKE also uses an implicit-statement trapdoor Conditional Key Encapsulation Mechanism (CKEM), a generalization of SPHF, which forms an extractable commitment to the hashed statement in ROM. at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Tatiana Bradley is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at UC Irvine. This leakage can pose security and privacy risks to users, e.g., by revealing the full membership of a group of collaborators from a single encrypted e-mail, or by enabling an eavesdropper to fingerprint the precise encryption software version and configuration the sender used.We propose that future encrypted data formats improve security and privacy hygiene by producing Padded Uniform Random Blobs or PURBs:Ludovic is a 5th-year Ph.D. student at EPFL, working with prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux and prof. Bryan Ford on the system aspects of security and privacy. Protocols for password authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allow two parties who share only a weak password to agree on a cryptographic key. This strengthening of SPHF allows for a UC (sa)PAKE design where only the client commits to its password, and only the server performs an SPHF, compared to the standard UC PAKE design paradigm where the encrypt+SPHF subroutine is used symmetrically by both parties. During her PhD she spent eight months in the FACT center at IDC Herzliya for a research visit with Elette Boyle. His prior research dealt with time series analysis using statistical physics methods and mathematical modeling of membrane technology processes. His research fields are in cryptography and computational number theory.