Accessed 19/6/17 from Popay I, Champion P, James, 2010. Massey University weeds database. New information following the change in COVID-19 alert levels.
In New Zealand there are 3 species: the native ongaonga (giant tree nettle), and 2 introduced varieties. Most people call it "stinging nettle" because of its well-known characteristic of inflicting a sting to your skin if you should happen to brush past its foliage. You often see this next to where trees once grew in a paddock and thus once nettles grew in stock camps. It will often also be found in gardens where people hand-weeding avoid pulling it out, allowing seeds to be formed. The rhizome root system also creates large clumps of plants infesting areas that are typically uncultivated. They spread from seed and from the roots so to control nettles you need to attack on both fronts. Stinging nettle is a member of the large family Urticaceae and is a decidedly unpleasant herbaceous perennial. Nettle has small light brown seeds about 1 mm across.The leaves and young shoots of nettle can be eaten when cooked. Nettle is an annual weed commonly found in agriculture and horticulture.
Nettle is found throughout New Zealand especially in cropping areas and in pasture where it is not grazed by stock.
An Illustrated Guide to Common Weeds of New Zealand.
'Nettle in, dock out - Dock rub nettle out!'
Nettle has also been used traditionally for brewing a refreshing beer.
Chemical control.
Nettle is very susceptible to MCPA and 2,4-DB which can be used in pasture with little effect on clovers.
Stinging nettle is a common weed. It can be controlled in pastures using 2,4-D, and it is also reasonably susceptible to MCPA but not that well controlled by MCPB, especially once it is established.
It is most common in the North Island (except for North Auckland and Taranaki) and in parts of the South Island. Nettle is an erect annual weed that grows up to 60cm tall, with short stinging bristles on the stems and leaves. As the name implies, stinging nettle has the capacity to irritate and blister when it comes into contact with skin. The other common weed which may be confused with it is Although nettle normally doesn't cause extensive problems in crops, occasionally when there is quite a bit of seed in the soil from poor control in the past, nettle can establish with a new crop to cause problems. If you grab a nettle plant firmly, you may be able to avoid the sting by bending the hairs over before they can penetrate the skin. Control. New Zealand DSIR Bulletin 99.
Family: Nettle F… In horticulture, nettle can tolerate low rates of glyphosate, so the weed is often found in areas such as herbicide strips under orchard trees where glyphosate is frequently used. In horticultural crops and gardens, both glyphosate and paraquat are quite weak on nettle, so it's better to use amitrole or glufosinate (
They prefer a a slightly acid, rich soil but will grow on any soil type – wet or dry, rich or poor. The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand.
It’s found in gardens, waste areas, near where animals live, and around moist areas such as creeks. It is mostly avoided by stock but the resulting infestations can be problematic to humans if the plants come into contact with bare skin.Nettle is mostly avoided by grazing animals but is loved by caterpillars of the red admiral and yellow admiral butterflies.There is no effective grazing management for nettle.Nettle is very susceptible to MCPA and 2,4-DB which can be used in pasture with little effect on clovers. Medicinally, nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, gout, and anaemia.
Commonly called stinging nettle (Urtica urens) due to its leaves with stinging hairs on its leaves, which when brushed against cause a painful rash on human skin. MANUAL CONTROL If you are prepared to seize the nettle then manual removal is effective for sparsely distributed plants. Nettle is a tap-rooted plant and smaller plants can … Grazing management.
is an old rhyme and if a person is stung with a Nettle a certain cure will be effected by rubbing Dock leaves over the part' Hoffmann describes the actions of Nettles as 'astringent, diuretic, tonic and hypotensive' and says 'it is one of …
Nettle Botanical name: Urtica urens Family name: Urticaceae Overview. Nettle is native to the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.Nettle is an annual plant generally germinating in either autumn or spring but it can flower any time of the year. Cultural control. Nettle is an annual weed commonly found in agriculture and horticulture.
Nettle can be found throughout most of New Zealand (including the Chatham Islands) except for Northland and Taranaki in the North Island and Westland and Fiordland in the South Island.
The sharp hairs on the foliage inject a number of chemicals into the skin that makes the affected area of your skin feel pain, sensitising the nerves so the feeling is amplified, and also causing swelling around the affected area. Although generally considered to be a weed, nettle is also claimed to have herbal properties, being used in herbal shampoos and also for homeopathic remedies for burns. Stinging Nettle is a perennial plant the reproduces by seeds and rhizomes.
Stinging nettles are a common weed, tough weed to control. GP Publications Ltd.Harrington KC, 2018. When Stinging Nettle comes in contact with human skin, it typically turns into reddish patches on the skin that are quite itchy and can give a burning sensation.
Nettles are found throughout New Zealand with the preferred habitat being in gardens, sheep camps, under trees, along riverbeds and in waste areas. There is no effective grazing management for nettle. Most people call it "stinging nettle" because of its well-known characteristic of inflicting a sting to your skin if you should happen to brush past its foliage.