Cliona celata Description: This is the largest and most conspicuous sponge that occurs in the British Isles. Advancement Sci. The sponge fauna of Kilkieran Bay and adjacent waters.

Another common name for it is sulfur sponge. Fisheries Ireland, Sci. Biol. II. A monograph of the British Spongiadae, II. Stat. Hist. Aportación al conocimiento de la fauna bentónica de la ría de Vigo (NW de España). Species Overview. One is the boring form, recognizable as yellow papillae sticking out of limestone (calcareous rocks, shells, etc. Washington, 99 (4): 658-675.Rützler, K. 2002b Family Clionaidae d'Orbigny, 1851. Ass. Het Zeepaard, 43 (2): 28-33.Solórzano, M.R. Zool.

A monograph of the British Spongiadae, III. Bol. Sponges of the coast of Ireland. Contribution à l'étude des Clionides. I-VII.Topsent, E., 1891a. 1st. Soc. Les grèves de Roscoff. Kitching, 1977. Rep. Lundy Fld. Marine and freshwater sponges (Porifera) of the Netherlands. Éponges récoltées dans l'Atlantique oriental par le "Président Théodore Tissier" (1955-56).

Sexual reproduction, larval morphology and behaviour in Demosponges from the southwest of the Netherlands: 281-307. Marine Conservation Soc., Ross on Wye, U.K.: 1-107.Ackers, R.G., 1983. Babio, 1979. Bay-Nouailhat W., april 2004, Description of Cliona celata, [On line], consulted on 2020 September 10. Proc. zool. R. Soc. Spongiaires.

Vet.-Akad. Sponges from the Swedish west-coast and adjacent waters. Porcupine Newsletter, 2 (7): 162-165.Alander, H., 1942. NATO-ASI Series, G13: 1-332. Jones, 1963. This species is found from the low intertidal to depths in excess of 300 feet. J., 20: 1-15.Soest, R.W.M.

Stat. Compostelanos Biol., 9: 49-67.Duvernoy, G.L., 1840.

Ackers, R.G., D. Moss, B.E. Zool.

On the marine and freshwater sponges of Devonshire. This species is the only excavating sponge in NW Europe developing … The boring stage is seen as clear sulphur lemon lobes, which are the rounded tips of papillae in the rock.

GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. XX. Liverpool, 4: 192-238, pls. The sponge itself is often visible as a rather featureless yellow or orange lump at the bottom of the hole. Notes on the arrangement of sponges, with the description of some new genera. Biol. Colman and N.S. Porifera (Sponges). J. Cadernos de Area de Ciencias Biolóxicas. Arch. Two new species of sponges. Sci. Festschrift Prof. Dr Embrik Strand, 3: 50-54, 3 pls.Rützler, K. and S.M. This page was created by Mary Jo Adams on 12/6/05. Picton and S.M.K. Soc. Spongiaires des côtes océaniques de France. often forms a thick plate-like structure standing on its edge and up to 100 cm long.

Excavation patterns and spicule dimensions of the boring sponge Holt, E.W.L., 1892. Bull. Trans. De danske farvandes boresvampe. London, 2: 487-546.Burton, M., 1931 [1932]. Trav. J. Sherkin Isl., 1 (2): 35-49.Soest, R.W.M. Nordsee Expedition, 1872. Ray Society, London: i-xvii, 1-367, pls. Marine fauna of the Isle of Man and its surrounding seas. van Soest, 1987. St. Servan, 8: 1-7.Wapstra, M. and R.W.M. Proc.

Vie Milieu, (B) 20(1,B): 177-210.Desor, E., 1848.

Norwegian sponges from the Norman collection. Boston, 3: 67-68.Durán, C. and M.R. The texts and images on this website are not free of rights and cannot be copied and/or used without the agreement of their respective authors. 307 pp. zool. trim. Bull. roy. Some local and national distributions of sponges. Zool. Cliona celata is a sponge presenting two morphological types more or less frequent whether this sponge lives in the Atlantic Ocean or whether it lives in the Mediterranean Sea.

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