Really really loved it. Blount provides a comprehensive approach to what works (and doesn't) in prospecting today. A bit of motivational content to get your head in the game ("Know your worth." Could it have been shorter? Also this book lightly touched on many general self improvement techniques (like physical activity) that I strongly agree with and how they can transfer over into the quality of your work. I liked the prospecting outreach e-mail structure, and the "one last call" strategy. Action breeds confidence and courage. Also this book lightly touched on many general self improvement techniques (like physical activity) that I strongly agree with and how they can transfer over into the quality of your work. I'm so excited and at the same time feel so blessed that i come across it.

But take note - I still gave the book 5 stars. Superstars view prospecting as a way of life. Chapter 14 Message Matters 132. I still remember things my first sales manager told me years ago circa 1990ish. Never procrastinate. We’d love your help. Of course there isn't anything earth shattering new in here, we have been prospecting for years, but hey if prospecting 101 is what you want. Download two free chapters of Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount. Lots of good stuff packed in about 300 pages!Great book. This book is hands-down the BEST book in sales that i have read in years. Absolutely.

It's a good start. Would strongly recommend to anyone just getting into sales.This is a good book. Nothing more. Jeb proves why he is one of my sales heroes because of this book.This book seriously get 5/5 stars. Most folks do not do sales because they think sales people are born gifted and are those who do not have guilt about lying. Blount's straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is approach is refreshing. But this parallels the motif of the guide- that sales is hard work. 1119144752

Fanatical!My favourite definition of the word fanatical is “motivated or characterised by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm”.Superstars view prospecting as a way of life. Go out and get busy.It states that the more you need something, the less likely it is that you will get it.This law comes into play in sales when lack of activity has left your pipeline depleted.Desperation magnifies and accelerators failure and virtually guarantees that he won’t close the deals he must have to survive.The first reason is that desperation taps into the downside of the LAw of Attraction, which states that what you focus your thoughts on, you are most likely to get.The next problem is that other people can sense your desperation.

No matter your prospecting approach, if you don’t interrupt relentlessly, your pipeline will be anaemic.In sales, consistently relying on a single prospecting methodology at the expense of others, consistently generates mediocre results.However balancing your prospecting regimen based on your industry, product, company, territory, and tenure in your territory gives you a statistical advantage that almost always leads to higher performance and income over the long term.There should be a mixture of telephone, in-person, email, social selling, text messaging, referrals, networking, inbound leads, trade shows and cold calling.Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Welcome back. Lots of common sense advices.This is the best book on prospecting I've ever read. Disrupt the way this is going.The key is the disruptive statement or question that turns them around so that they lean toward you rather than move away from you.It’s a pull not push approach, because we encounter something we didn’t expect and pay attention.When you get two RBOs and skill can’t close then graciously move.Phone is better as more efficient, but if you do in-person visits — check the offices closeby and clients on the way — Plan ahead!When you face your Goliath, when you set your goals, when you face fear, rejection and adversity, when you’re tired, worn out, and have the choice to go home or make one more call — the only question that really matters is: When you get disciplined at blocking your time and concentrating your power, you see a massive and profound impact on productivity.If you invest just an hour a day to make 25 to 50 teleprospecting calls and another hour for email and social prospecting, I can absolutely and unequivocally guarantee that in less than 60 days, your pipeline will be packed.Our brains don’t actually multitask — instead they cycle back and forth.First do an hour of calling — THEN do the all the admin.Beware the Ding — switch off all notifications in the Golden Hour.If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up someplace else.To be effective you’ve got to know what you want and ask for it. "Just pick up the phone and make the call." I read the book over the weekend and already the book is highlighted, notated and dog-eared. Yet, that is a stereotype, according to the guide, and sales people are better to be born with a lot of competitive energy and drive.

When you duplicate those patterns, you’ll be able to duplicate their success.If you want sustained success in your sales career, you have to interrupt prospects. by Wiley It was motivating, informative and entertaining.Its a surface level sales book, more motivational than anything.

Lots Excellent book! Prospecting is hard, emotionally draining work, and it is the price you have to pay to earn a high income.” Fanatical! Chapter 11 Own Your Database: Why the CRM is Your Most Important Sales Tool 92.

However, while you may already know it, you have likely either forgotten it, or been like “eh I’ve been doing this long enough, I don’t need to prospect like that anymore.” News flash: you do. In Alyssa Cole’s unnerving social thriller When No One is Watching, Sydney Green returns to Brooklyn after a traumatic breakup to find...Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, Text, and Cold CallingSimple ideas well stated are most memorable. Reading it is like eating chocolate with rum melted in your mouth. This is a good book on sales, and it covers a wide range of topics.

If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Love everything that is shared and it was all really eye opening and just made sense. If you study what successful people do, you find patterns.

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