So whether you want to look professional at work or sexy at prom, the right long hairstyle is out there. For some, hair remains a source of personality and, in some cultures, virility. Brushing it thoroughly is a tried and tested method, but you can add a splash of liquid to moisturize the follicles and eliminate frizz for a smooth style. For instance, a medium hold product can offer control while a low to matte finish ensures your hair looks natural.It may go without saying, but a brush and comb are essential tools for any man with long hair. You can incorporate more texture by layering the top hair that remains or not washing it for a day or two.Long braids enable you to switch up your hairstyle depending on your mood.

If you want to appear younger and vibrant, you can let your hair grow out and match your hairstyle with a dapper closet. Old Man with Long Grey Wavy Hair. 8. The modern version incorporates a pompadour into the mix to offset the fluidity, which you can achieve by blow-drying your fringe up and back, then letting it dry naturally. 11 Ways to Style Long Hair, According to Some of the Most Stylish Celebrities on the Planet. Whether the part is at the side or down the middle of your head, the different proportions ensure that your cut is visually striking. 5. While growing out your hair can be fun and exciting, long hairstyles can be a challenge to cut and style. Dreadlocks is a one-of-a-kind style, making them perfect for guys who like an edgy cut. If you’ve never used one before, ... Layrite Super Hold and Deluxe Original Pomades are some of the best water-based pomades you’ll find. A ponytail is just as effective as a man bun, and its loose nature means you can appear fashionably casual.Men with long curly hair can show off their beautiful curls in all their glory. Slick Back. To obtain this cut, you need to pull around one-third of your hair back from the middle section, before securing it in a loose bun or ponytail. 7. … In fact, because the longer length can help weigh down curls, long hairstyles are popular with guys who have thick, curly hair.Furthermore, applying a little product can help to make your curls more cohesive and manageable and less likely to get frizzy. If you’re one of those guys with long hair who can rock the look, then these cool styles are perfect for you! The latter is flat, has no wow factor, and only suits a handful of cuts, whereas the former is bold from the outset. This amazing messy long hairstyle for men will make girls turn their … 4. Aiden Shaw’s Long Wavy Hairstyle If you find that your hair is thinning with age or balding at the crown, then a crop like this will work wonders to boost your locks and boost your confidence.By having a more tapered cut around the back of the head and offsetting it with a longer top, it is a great way to still have a very gentlemanly but longer style – without looking too conventional or boring.By wearing the top brushed back in a floppy relaxed manner, it can cover up any thinning patches for old men without looking too structured or styled.If you decide to pair this older men’s long hair look with a beard, keep it neatly trimmed to avoid looking too much like a bushman!As hair turns grey or white it can change in texture and also become very wiry. For older folks? Aside from pulling your hair back so that it’s taut, you should focus on adding shine to avoid looking ungainly. Whether you like it as a hairstyle to wear out and about or not, it is a practical way to keep your long hair back and out of your way. Make sure to talk to your stylist about it before taking this step, as some hair types are not suited to the heat and chemicals.While some curse their difficult curls, only men with long curly hair can naturally pull off this unique but handsome look. The most common haircuts you can turn into a top knot are the slick back, quiff, and pompadour.Similarly, the man bun is usually tied in the back of the head whereas the top knot styles on the top. ... A bad hairline can be difficult to deal with. You should beware that long curls require plenty of maintenance work as you don’t want them to appear frizzy and untamed. 35. I figured it out anyway – I just have it loose when I want it to look okay and plait it up if I need it out of the way.Customise your D'Marge reading experience by selecting your preferred region below. Think of a surfer dude vibe, especially if your hair is naturally wavy and kinky.Even if you’re growing your hair out, it’s important for men to regularly cut long hair. Clear communication allows the professional cutting your hair to advise you as well as cut your hair properly with your vision in mind. You achieve the look by shaving down the sides so that they are significantly shorter than the hair up top. How To Style Long Hair For Men. Remember that texture is the core principle of dreadlocks as the grainy, frizzy consistency upgrades long hair that’s dull.Men with long hair look rugged and sexy when they grow and style a beard. Blow drying your locks should maintain a polished finish while making your hair rougher.Dreadlocks are associated with men of African American descent, but they are accessible to everybody as long as your hair is long.

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