Amused, Mystique accepted and quickly became the fashion industry's newest top model. He finds Mystique in an airport and uses the people around her to talk to her but she refuses to listen. He would prove to be a loving husband, but rather disappointing as a lover. Magneto says that he first saw it in 1949, and mockingly quotes how America was going to be the land of tolerance and peace. The group is then captured by William Stryker and imprisoned in a cell at Alkali Lake. After a heated fight Wolverine manages to wound Mystique, but he chooses to deny her the mercy blow.

Ultimately, Sabretooth acted on his orders to kill the members of X-Factor as "Operation Zero Tolerance" was activated. Shortly afterwards, Graydon hired Sabretooth to kill Mystique, but Mystique told Sabretooth about their son and he decided to go after Graydon instead. The story begins with a brief flashback revealing that Logan and Mystique first met in Mexico in 1921.

When Erik encouraged her to be proud of her abilities and not be afraid of judgement, she had finally found what she was looking for: acceptance.Mystique also appears to value her friendships dearly and appears to be devoted to helping other mutants. "I'm not afraid of you, Jean. Mystique blew up Moira MacTaggert's research facility, fatally injuring the doctor. She reveals to him that the source of the cure is a mutant – a child at Worthington Labs in Alcatraz – without him they have nothing. One of Xavier's enemies, the Quiet Man, who was actually Prudence Leighton inhabiting the body of her assassin, contacted Mystique and offered to give her an interference transmitter which would keep her safe from the authorities, the same type of device Xavier was using, if she killed Xavier. On the boat approaching the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island, Mystique enters a room where Magneto and Rogue are. Havok then came up with a new name for Hank: Beast. Arriving in Cairo Mystique instructs the others to save Charles while she and Quicksilver stop Magneto from manipulating the Earth's magnetic poles and killing billions of people. After rescuing Kurt, Raven takes him to mutant tracker and broker Caliban to get him a new I.D. Mystique was sent to prison, but quickly escaped. She apparently learned to use her shape-changing power at a very early age which made her family fear her, for there is no evidence known to the public or the government that Raven Darkholme ever looked like anything but a normal human being. We take care of each other. The guard tells him to shut up, and the "president" morphs into a crying little girl, asking why they're doing this to her and begging to be let out. He just laughs, and she morphs back to her true form as Mystique. Mystique infiltrating Stryker's office while posing as Lady Deathstrike.Mystique has been using her powers to pose as Senator Robert Kelly as a means to gain access to Magneto's plastic prison, but no success. Not any more, says Trask – they got her. Focus on my voice. While taking the form of a blond haired woman during a trip to the beach, Mystique was confronted by a famous photographer who told the mutant that he wanted to make her the next big fashion model. Mystique shoots Magneto in the neck and then knocks him out.Mystique then turns the gun at Trask, but as she is about to kill him, Charles tells her, mentally, that if she doesn't, she can give mankind a second chance to correctly define mutants. She pulls up a plastic gun and shoots Magneto in the side of the neck, not to kill but to stun and graze him before proceeding to knock him out. While gaining the critical intel on the identity of those who were involved in her son's death and the attempt to kill her via Sabretooth, Mystique suddenly lost her powers while pretending to be a man in a busy office workplace.

However, before she left, Shadowcat found one of Destiny's diaries, left there by Destiny herself before she died. She was shown to be extremely close and loyal to those who gave her such acceptance; although she was angry with Magneto when he attempted to kill her in 1973, she was still willing to believe his motives when he assured her that he would never lie to her and never had done prior to that moment.

She prevented Rogue from giving up her mutant powers and she continued her investigation of the U.S. Government over her son's death, leading to her aiding the Toad and his most recent incarnation of the "Brotherhood of Evil Mutants" on a mission to raid a government base. Nixon comes out and tells Magneto to spare them and kill only him. The X-Men defeated Evolutionary and restored everyone's powers, allowing Mystique to escape jail. She then jumps down behind the first guy and holds her handcuffs to his neck, choking him. Magneto, however, re-directs the taser gun pins on to Stryker. The two shared a sad good-bye kiss and Mystique left. After some deliberation, she decides to activate the weapon to kill Graydon. In the end, Raven apparently had a complete breakdown (though later stories implied she was faking it) and was taken to Dallas by Forge. One night at the White House, the president and Trask are set to watch the capturing of Magneto on their screen through satellite feed of Magneto's base of operations in the forest.

Rogue was trained by Mystique and eventually joined her On a mission with the Avengers, Rogue fought Carol Danvers, better known as the superheroine named Ms. Marvel at that time. Though she still had compassion and altruism, demonstrated when she saved Mystique also hates being betrayed, as shown when in After her injuries, she started to feel torn between her love for her brother, and her hatred for Trask. Mystique, Back in the mansion, the real Bobby is walking with his friends. Looking outside the window, he sees the ocean. Mystique named her group after the original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, an organization founded by Magneto.

Though initially happy to have a home after she first met Charles, she hated hiding her true appearance in public; it wasn't until meeting Erik that she had finally met someone who truly accepted her for who she was. Little was known about Mystique's past due to the fact that she could eliminate the outward signs of aging with her shape-changing power; it was not known exactly how old she was. Rogue later wakes and tells Mystique that she no longer will tolerate her using other people to make things right.

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