SpeakOut's new e-course, “Race, Power, and Privilege,” offers creative and relevant introductory curriculum that provides students with the fundamentals of how interpersonal and systemic racism function, and how we might begin to imagine a safe and equitable world for all. Privilege and power play out in the world all around us every day. Rather than skipping over this factoid, Turner leaned into it.“What do we know about what causes homelessness? First-grade teacher Bret Turner has decided not to avoid the difficult conversations and questions his students bring to class. Debi Jenkins, a Clark College professor in the Early Childhood Education and Psychology departments, dedicates whole courses to the topics of privilege, power and inequity. You must deal with this reality. Outsiders who do not identify with these norms (‘British values’) are seen as a threat. Staff resource to support cultural competence and understanding of race, power and privilege. A woman with stylish hair, chiseled cheekbones, wide eyes and a smooth, creamy face adjusts her gray-fitted blazer as she eases her small frame into the chair before the search committee.A second candidate, larger framed, hair hurriedly pulled back in a messy clip, heavy facial powder trying to obscure rubbed-red acne, takes a seat later in the same day.Both have impressive résumés and give excellent interviews. “Because when I see that half of homeless people in Alameda County are black, that doesn’t make sense to me when I first look at it. She helps her students understand how they benefit—or not—from systems of prejudice and discrimination that use identities such as race, gender, class status and others. The school space is used to maintain and privilege whiteness at the same time as asserting its dominance over BME groups.

While household income is strictly about annual revenue, class categories are usually associated with levels of access to resources including She trusts her kids' teachers to understand what’s developmentally appropriate, and they should be able to have difficult conversations with kids in ways that equip them to live in a complicated world. She holds an associate degree in Early Childhood Education from Clark College, a bachelor’s, two master’s degrees and is working on her doctorate. When that happens, Turner doesn’t ignore the racial aspect of the exclusion. “As uncomfortable as I might be sometimes.”Still, he admits there are logistical challenges to teaching this way. The IST of this ISM (the look-IST of look-ISM) would be those who meet societal standards of beauty or attractiveness. They just process them from a 6-year-old’s perspective.Take fairness. But he began to realize that he was sending kids the message that they shouldn't talk about those issues. You can make anything accessible, no matter how uncomfortable or atrocious it may seem.”Some people may think first grade is a bit early for some of these heavy topics. He often takes opportunities like this one to ask students to connect those prior conversations to whatever topic is at hand. Join SpeakOut and Shifting the Culture (SHIFT) for this FREE 30-min. After students sang a song to welcome each other to a new day of learning, went over the schedule and played a quick movement game, Turner settled his 6-year-olds on the rug for a discussion about homelessness.The class had been studying homelessness for weeks and was preparing to present what they learned to parents in an upcoming performance.
In 2009, she received the YWCA Woman of Achievement accolade.Conflict is OK; in fact, it can open doors. At first he felt that way, too, but gradually he came to a place where he’d rather try, admit what he doesn’t know, and model being a learner to find the answers.Turner is also careful to set expectations at the start of the year with parents. I grew up in a middle-class neighbourhood, had the benefit of not only a private school education in The Bahamas, but my parents could also afford to send me off to boarding school and university in Canada. He talks about it openly with kids.“I mean, if you've ever seen kids try to get into line and like who goes in front of who, and cutting in line, you'll know immediately that kids want everything to be fair. Candidate number two has a few more qualifications that align with the job. She helps her students understand how they benefit—or not—from systems of prejudice and discrimination that use identities such as race, gender, class status and others.One three-credit course focuses on self-reflection. And then I start to think there must be some reasons. He understands that many teachers fear messing up or not knowing all the answers, and that can be a barrier to even starting this type of classroom conversation. When his class “That is a lesson that stuck with a lot of kids and it gets referenced a lot,” he said.Turner didn't always teach this way. Privilege allows you to exert power—and, in the immortal words of Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, ... education, status, and/or power.
When Kendal was in preschool, she was already hearing messages that lighter skin colors are more beautiful.“These are the conversations that we have, as people of color, very early on, all the time,” Wicks said.She sees it as a teacher’s job to be culturally literate and sensitive so they can respond nimbly when issues of race, privilege or power come up in the classroom. Importantly, although privilege is often associated only with wealth and/or economic status, it applies far more broadly. Some parents have pushed back against Turner's approach, and he's received many critical -- and sometimes hateful -- comments online from people who disagree with him. You’ll also receive a carefully curated list of content from teacher-trusted sources.A first-grader in Bret Turner's classroom puts his work away. He’d say they’d talk about it later or brush past the topic. She’s an African American parent whose daughter, Kendal, was in Turner's class last year. Staff resource to support cultural competence and understanding of race, power and privilege. Throughout that time, Jenkins has incorporated strategies that nurture the souls of her students and ignite the flame in them so that they are encouraged to dismantle oppression and nurture the souls of those with whom they connect.Those strategies include tools for identifying and moving forward in how one develops over a lifetime.

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